Квалификации, признанные ICI

О нас / Квалификации, признанные ICI

Следующие квалификации признаны ICI.

Только институты-члены ICI, которые разрабатывали программу обучения, и институты-члены ICI, которые перечислены в списке в конце соответствующей программы обучения (см. "Download Detailed PDF"), уполномочены ставить печать ICI (пронумерованную наклейку с логотипом ICI), удостоверяющую соответствующую квалификацию.

Если у вас есть вопросы, свяжитесь, пожалуйста, напрямую с соответствующим Институтом-членом ICI, который разработал соответствующую программу обучения.

120 часы

"Edu Coach, ICI"


The program prepares you for the deployment and usage of coaching competences at work in education sector (as teacher, educator, psychologist and director of the school). You will learn how to use coaching tools during the class, conversations with students, their parents, friends or colleagues at your work place and with your superiors.

For more information see PDF below or read this article

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12 дни 96 часы

"​Advanced Fundamental Mentor Skills, ICI"

Brought to you by IDEAR Academy

The program qualifies you in mentoring. It has 12 face-to-face training days with at least 96 hours, 15 hours supervision, mentoring practice, case reflection, written test and practical test

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170 часы

"Coaching Neurolinguistico BL, ICI"

Brought to you by Jamming, Consultoría en Talento y Escuela de Coaching

This innovative blended learning program has 92 hours in-class learning plus 78 hours e-learning

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6 дни 48 часы

"Ego State Coaching, ICI"

Brought to you by NLP-Zentrum & NEURES Akademie

In dieser 6-tägigen Ego State Coaching geht es um die Arbeit mit inneren Anteilen und eine kraftvolle und wirksame Coaching- und Therapiemethode. Die Teilearbeit des Ego State Coaching eignet sich für eine Vielzahl von Themen, von Arbeit mit Zielen, Aufbau von Ressourcen, Aufbau von Blockaden bis hin zu Glaubenssatzarbeit und Auflösung von Trauma.

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15 дни 120 часы

"Eye Movement Work, ICI"

Brought to you by NLP-Zentrum & NEURES Akademie

In der 15-tägigen EMW-Ausbildung wird alles Notwendige vermittelt, was man für den Einsatz von Au-genbewegungen in Coaching und Therapie wissen und beherrschen sollte. Von den Grundlagen, über theoretische Hintergründe zu neurologischen Prozessen und Trauma-Psychologie bis hin zu mannigfalti-gen praktischen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten.

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40 часы

"SER Method and Assessment Administrator,ICI"

Brought to you by Jamming, Consultoría en Talento y Escuela de Coaching

The qualification for "SER Method and Assessment Administrator, ICI" is accredited by the ICI.

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8 дни 60 часы

"Basic Psycho Coach, ICI"

Brought to you by Spiritus movens

Training of skills, methods and tools to achieve a higher level of work in coaching with the basic implemented elements of psychotherapy. The program contains more complex methods from NLP, transactional analysis, gestalt, psychodrama... and other different directions of humanistic psychology.

Developed in cooperation with Nada Kaiser

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8 дни 60 часы

"Advance Psycho Coach, ICI"

Brought to you by Spiritus movens

Training of skills, methods and tools to achieve a higher level of work in coaching with advanced implemented elements of psychotherapy. The program contains more complex methods from NLP, transactional analysis, gestalt, psychodrama... and other different directions of humanistic psychology.

Developed in cooperation with Nada Kaiser

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"Practitioner en Coaching Ontológico, ICI"

Brought to you by Global Genesin

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"Master en Coaching Ontológico, ICI"

Brought to you by Global Genesin

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"Trainer en Coaching Ontológico, ICI"

Brought to you by Global Genesin

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15 дни 120 часы

"Mental Health Coaching, ICI"

Brought to you by Academy of NLP& Coaching Prof. Omraie

Training of skills, methods and tools in order to achieve a higher working level in coaching with the implemented basic elements of NLP. The program includes more complex methods from medicine, NLP, mental training and humanistic psychology.120 hours of training

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120 часы

"Health Coaching, ICI"

Brought to you by International NLP Coaching Clinic

Health Coaching is a two-way process that helps clients (coachies) to achieve their health goals, and clients need a health coach to help them maintain healthy behaviors in order to change and improve their lifestyle, habits, and health behaviors. This innovative blended learning program has 90 hours online Trainings/practice learning plus 30 hours online exercises.

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90 дни 120 часы

"Cognitive-Behavioral Coaching (CBC), ICI"

Brought to you by Academy of NLP& Coaching Prof. Omraie

People's responses to their experiences have a profound impact on their way of thinking and believing. Our response is not to the experiences themselves, but to the way we interpret them. As a result, our thoughts influence our moods, which in turn influence our behaviors. We can alter our feelings and behaviors if we can alter the way we think about our objective experiences. But first, we must understand our own style of thinking.

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6 дни 50 часы

"Train-the-Trainer Skills, ICI”

Brought to you by BES - Beratung - Entwicklung - Strategien

Training of skills to enable participants to design a concept for their ideas and facilitate their own courses. The focus is on methodical implementation taking into account learner-centered content. Our training "Train the Trainer Skills ICI", aims to introduce trainers, lecturers and teachers to new ways and options based on neurodidactics and NLP formats. Thereby promoting the potential of learners even better and to overcome existing learning obstacles.

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3 дни 24 часы

"Advanced Team Tactics, ICI"

Brought to you by Life&Mind Studio

Advanced Team Tactics is a contemporary, highly integrative, and vastly disruptive Team Coaching Training, designed to reshape the way team coaching methodology is utilized. It comprises 5 divergent development and agile methodologies, and is focused on integrative, gamified tools and practices - which can fully disrupt the way we create, manage and stimulate teams, but also reshape the way we approach groups and cohorts whilst delivering trainings and group coaching sessions. This multipurpose training will also have a strong positive influence for Trainers and Coaches, by stimulating and improving their business models, enhancing their sales skills and equipping them with current business insights. ATT Team Coaching is for those willing to put their knowledge and skills into motion, by revolutionizing the current coaching scene and providing their participants with measurable, disruptive, and highly efficient success.

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15 дни 120 часы

"Business Coaching, ICI"

Brought to you by Academy of NLP& Coaching Prof. Omraie

A holistic concept, tailored to your personal goals. Learn relevant elements of business coaching.

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60 часы


Brought to you by Spiritus movens

The third level of the psychosomatics program is designed for coaches who want to work with clients on their issues and problems related to psychosomatics. A prerequisite for participation is the completion of the accredited "NLP Practitioner, IN" (130 hrs.) and "Coach, ICI" (90 hrs.).

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8 дни 33 часы


Brought to you by Spiritus movens

The second, deeper level of the psychosomatics training program is more complex and delves into the development of psychosomatic causes and their impact on the body, systems, and individual organs, as well as how and what to do to change them. It lasts a total of 36 hours, conducted through 8 live online workshops, once a week, each lasting 4.5 hours, involving knowledge transfer, demos, self-evaluation, and exercises.

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8 дни 36 часы


Brought to you by Spiritus movens

The first level of training, basics of psychosomatics, lasts a total of 36 hours and is conducted through 8 live online workshops held once a week, each lasting 4.5 hours.

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12 дни 84 часы

"Psychologischer Berater Coaching, ICI"

Brought to you by Angewandte Kommunikation

Ein psychologischer Berater muss wissen, was hinter den zutage tretenden Erscheinungen steckt. Er muss wissen, wo genau die Ansatzpunkte sind und wie er damit umgeht. Das hebt ihn über die Anwendung standardisierter Coachinginterventionen hinaus.

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15 дни 120 часы

„Children Coaching Course, ICI“

Brought to you by Academy of NLP& Coaching Prof. Omraie

This course is designed for students, trainers, coaches, child educators, families, and anyone interested in supporting successful children and fostering a peaceful world. It incorporates powerful NLP tools to enhance learning and application in coaching.

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15 дни 60 часы


Brought to you by Spiritus movens

The training integrates coaching and NLP techniques, principles, and contents with the author’s twenty years of experience in working with young people. It is developed with the aim of creating a safe and encouraging space for young people to discover their potential, gain knowledge and skills, make desirable transformations, and live their excellence, becoming, at the same time, (self)conscious, functional, and joyful individuals and members of the society.

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15 дни 60 часы


Brought to you by Spiritus movens

Building upon Young Practitioner of Self-Leadership Basic, this program uses more complex coaching and NLP techniques, processes, and contents enabling participants to deepen their work on self-development and take their knowledge, skills, and abilities to an advanced level. Program Young Practitioner of Self-Leadership Advance encompasses unique thematic workshops that enable young people to address themes and questions that are actual and relevant to them, through specially designed individual and group activities.

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