14 Aug. 2020: Introduction in how to offer EmotionSync trainings

Sobre nós / Recursos / Paris-2020

Prof. (UCN) Dr. Christian Hanisch

Prof. (UCN) Dr. Christian Hanisch

"Coach Master Trainer, ICI"

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  This is an optional day for the registered Master Trainers directly after the Master Trainer Meeting in August 2020 in Paris

Christians main topic is his revolutionary new NLP approach EmotionSync. He offers a one day intriduction in his approach with an option that others can teach this as well. This was part of his PhD dissertation at our Psychology faculty for study programs at Universidad Central de Nicaragua. You find his dissertation in German language here:   https://www.ucn.edu.ni/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/ISP-UCN-3-Christian-Hanisch-Dissertation-emotionSync.pdf

He has as well a english translation. Please contact him directly for this.

For members, please login below to see the video.

Tatjana Vojtehovski

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