Mrs Monika Resler-Isbaner

Mrs Monika Resler-Isbaner

"Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI"

  • Member since Aug 2, 2022
  • Country United Kingdom

"Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI"

Has achieved "Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI" at Wellbeing OptionsĀ® Kamilla Motacki by Kamilla Motacki.

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About Mrs Monika Resler-Isbaner

Hello! My name is Monika. I was born in Poland and spent the last 20 years in Paris, California and finally Bristol which became my home ? ?

Like many of you, all my life, I had to face losses and constant change.
I lost my father when I was 22.
I lost my brother one year ago.
I've been travelling and moving from one place to another, learning new languages, and cultures, and meeting new people.
I've been learning new skills and changing jobs. Even now, when I'm 44, I never stop learning and growing ?

All that was challenging and led me to the point where I am now.

I became the Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner to help other women to be strong and never give up to ?
Encourage you to face the change and grow to become strong, fulfilled and happy ? Motivate you to find your way ?
Inspire you to see your life as full of possibilities ?

I have used and experienced the powerful transformation in my personal and professional life. It's what inspired me to share these life-changing skills to help others.

I can't wait to meet many amazing women here and hear more about you! ?

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