Lisa Wiesenfeld

Lisa Wiesenfeld

"Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI"

  • Member since Jun 5, 2021
  • Country Germany

"Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI"

Has achieved "Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI" at CoachAkademieSchweiz GmbH by Marc-Dino Krause.

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About Lisa Wiesenfeld

With 10 years experience in technology consulting, IT project implementation as well as working in and leading international teams, I have complemented my skills with a Master's degree in systemic coaching.

As a coach, I focus on my clients becoming aware of their values ​​and qualities and being able to communicate them.

Many people feel "off balance". Things that we have experienced have shaped us, created our belief systems and taught us patterns. Today we think "that's just me".

I want to know more people in the world who can free themselves from these developed believes, not only accept themselves but love themselves. Who can grow, surround themselves with the people that are right for them. Who can find their own way and find happiness.

I stand for open and un-biased coaching, capacity building, alignment with our values ​​and thriving for their fulfillment.

My experience about "Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI"

Ich bin werteorientierte, systemische Master of BusinessCoaching (CAS/ISO/ICI) zertifiziert durch die Coach Akademie Schweiz. Ich begleite Klient:innen vor Ort in München oder virtuell.
Meine Klient:innen kommen aus verschiedenen Kulturen, Fachrichtungen, stehen an unterschiedlichen Punkten in ihrem Leben und bringen ihre eigenen Agenda mit.

I am a value-oriented, systemic Master of BusinessCoaching (CAS/ISO/ICI) certified by Coach Akademie Schweiz. I accompany clients on site in Munich or virtually.
My clients come from different cultures, disciplines, are at different points in their lives and bring their own agendas with them.
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