Jelena Pantić

Jelena Pantić

"Advanced Team Tactics, ICI"

  • Member since Jul 22, 2024
  • Country Serbia

"Advanced Team Tactics, ICI"

Has achieved "Advanced Team Tactics, ICI" at Life&Mind Studio by Tamara Vlahovic.

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About Jelena Pantić

I am Jelena Pantić, a formally educated primary school teacher with a master's degree and a pedagogical advisor.

In terms of informal education, I am an NLP Trainer and NLP Coach, a Reiki practitioner (level 2), a Practitioner of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), a Practitioner of Matrix Reimprinting, a Practitioner of Fractal Therapy, and I also work with the Points of You technique.

 Throughout my 28-year career and teaching experience with both children and adults, I have successfully identified the challenges of contemporary times.

My areas of expertise include leadership skills, mediation, coaching, NLP methodology, trauma work, assertive communication, presentation skills, and energy therapy.

For over 10 years, I have also worked as a trainer, facilitator, and co-author of programs and seminars for employees, organized by "Education Plus".

I organize and lead training sessions and workshops on topics such as improving communication, setting goals correctly, leadership, motivation, teamwork, and enhancing assertiveness and emotional and social intelligence. I am a participant in Erasmus projects, a mentor to students, and a member of the licensing commission.

I am in the process of certification for IANLP Fellow Member Trainer and Associated Certified Coach (ACC) by the International Coach Federation (ICF).

My guiding principle is that success has a structure, and achieving success requires having a clear vision, flexibility, and consistency.

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