Heiner Klaasen-van Husen

Heiner Klaasen-van Husen

"Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI"

  • Member since Oct 7, 2024
  • Country Germany

"Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI"

Has achieved "Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI" at CoachAkademieSchweiz GmbH by Marc-Dino Krause.

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About Heiner Klaasen-van Husen

My journey began in the education sector, to which my heart belonged for 14 years and will continue to beat in part. However, as a high school teacher for German, philosophy, ethics, and theater, I was still not fully able to live up to my values: the love for people and the interest in the fate of others find too little space in the traditional German school system. So, I moved on. To get closer to people. To better meet their desire for autonomy, dignity, and growth. And I feel honored and blessed to now be able to accompany people on their journey on my favorite planet.

My experience about "Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI"

In einem wertorientierten und systemischen Coaching-Modell, das sich wunderbarerweise an die unglaubliche Vielschichtigkeit unseres Bewusstsein und unserem existenziellen Bedürfnis nach Autonomie und persönlichen Wachstum anpasst, habe ich einen Weg gefunden, meine Werte voll zu verwirklichen. Das möchte ich mit anderen Menschen teilen.

In a value-oriented and systemic coaching model that adapts to the incredible complexity of our consciousness and our existential need for autonomy and personal growth, I have found a way to fully realize my values. That is why I want to share this experience with other people.
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