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"Coach Master Trainer, ICI"
Brought to you by IDEAR Academy
The program prepares you for the deployment and usage of coaching competences at work in education sector (as teacher, educator, psychologist and director of the school). You will learn how to use coaching tools during the class, conversations with students, their parents, friends or colleagues at your work place and with your superiors.
For more information see PDF below or read this article
Brought to you by IDEAR Academy
The program qualifies you in mentoring. It has 12 face-to-face training days with at least 96 hours, 15 hours supervision, mentoring practice, case reflection, written test and practical test.
Brought to you by EmpowerMind
Empowermind Business Coaching Skills Training relies on evidence-based theory and solid business coaching experience, ensuring professional skills to act as a coach towards leaders of all levels. Business Coaching is highly practical, so you gain in-depth experience and understanding of all aspects of coaching in an organizational context.
The Business Coaching Skills Training is made up of 2 modules divided into 4 teaching and training days. The 2 modules are located, allowing you time to practice Business Coaching between each module.
Brought to you by EmpowerMind
On the "Neuro-Coaching Skills Training applied to Coaching, ICI" training you learn to apply Neuro-Coaching Skills in your coaching practice. You learn induction and suggestion techniques and experience through practical experience, exercise and theory how to help your focus people achieve what they want. In addition, you are trained to convey the mental training material to individuals and teams.
"Neuro-Coaching Skills Training applied to Coaching, ICI" comprises 8 days in 4 modules. Certifications requirements: facilitate 20 hours of neuro training in team- and individual context, produce and present an innovative mental neuro program (soundfile), write a paper reflecting on the use of Neuro-Coaching Skills Training techniques in the coaching praxis.
Brought to you by EmpowerMind
The ICI Stress-Coaching Skills Training teaches you to coach stress-suffering clients with a good and long lasting effect. It requires special coaching skills, coupled with mental training, as the "usual toolbox" often proves inadequate or at worst harmful.
ICI Stress-Coaching Skills Training comprises 6 days in 3 modules. Certification requirements: facilitate 10 hours of coaching using the new models, live-coaching presenting the stress-models presented during the training, to read 10 articles and present reviews to be discussed in the team, and furthermore present a personal project regarding own experience and reflections in perspective of the literature.
Brought to you by EmpowerMind
The ICI Team-Coaching Skills Training relies on evidence-based theory and solid team coaching experience, ensuring professional skills to coach all types of teams from 2 to ? people. Team-Coaching Skills are highly practical, so you gain in-depth experience and understanding of all aspects of team challenges.
ICI Team-Coaching Skills Training comprises 8 days in 4 modules. The participants cover the topics, working as teams in the process, in order to experience themselves the challenges facing team-participation. This way the participants learn on 2 abstractions levels simultaneously.
Brought to you by Slapovi znanja
Brought to you by EmpowerMind
Become a “Master of believes” and get personal insights you never dreamed off.
As a coach, you know that our believes are the strongest resources and limitations we have as human beings, and you already have experience with the more basic methods of dealing with believes. In this Masterclass, which is only for certified coaches, Coach Master Trainer Jørgen Svenstrup will present a whole range of new, powerful methods and tools that will lift you to the highest level - especially when it comes to supporting coachées to get past what is blocking progress.
The ICI Masterclass in beliefs is based on evidence-based theory, mental training and solid coaching experience, ensuring the necessary professional skills. The ICI Masterclass in beliefs is for you who, in your capacity as a professional coach, HR employee or equivalent, wishes to be able to navigate and manage professionally the believes of the clients/employees.