Comission: IN ICI WHO Trainer Training Project

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Karl Nielsen

Karl Nielsen

"Coach Master Trainer, ICI"

3 Pilot Projects

Only here listed members of this commission can use these new projects. They work together on testing this, on the further development and on Guidelines before it will be part of our standard curricula. If you would like to join this commission, please contact Karl Nielsen at

Members of this Commission are: Abdul-Rahman Abdullah (Egypt), Andrea Mills (Germany), Angela Bachfeld (Germany), Arline Davis (Brazil), Bento Augusto da Cunha Santos (Brazil), Christian Hanisch (Germany), Sehil Triki (Tunisia), Karl Nielsen (Germany), Lobna Al Sharif (Egypt), Nandana Nielsen (Germany), Reza Omraie (Iran)  

The 3 Pilot Projects

  • New form of Trainer Training with active conducting of basic trainings
  • Assistance Alternatives with active conducting of basic trainings
  • Grandparenting with active conducting of basic trainings

1. Pilot Project: New form of Trainer Training with active conducting of basic trainings

1.1 Planning and report requirements

Members of this commission who try this new form of Trainer Training commit to inform the commission in the comments below about their planning design, conduct period, results and best practice recommendations.

1.2 Admission requirements

IN prerequisite for the NLP track is 36 days in 260 hours: “NLP Practitioner, IN” (18 days) + “NLP Master, IN” (18 days) or comparable competence.

ICI prerequisite for the Coaching track is 54 days in 395 hours: “Coach, ICI” (30 days) + “Master Coach, ICI” (24 days) or comparable competence.

WHO prerequisite for the Hypnosis track is 40 days in 300 hours: "Hypnosis Practitioner, WHO" (12 days) + "Hypnosis Master, WHO" (12 days) + "Hypnosis Coach, WHO" (16 days) or comparable competence.

It is possible to conduct this in only one area (IN, ICI, WHO) or in all kinds of cominations.

1.3 Practical Challenge during the "IN ICI WHO Trainer Training"

Participants are well prepared in the first half of the IN ICI WHO Trainer Training to do marketing for finding their own participants for either:5 days / 40 hours “NLP Communication, IN” or8 days / 60 hours “Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI” or4 days / 30 hours "Hypnosis Technician, WHO",depending on their entry qualification.  

Between the first and the second half of the IN ICI WHO Trainer Training they should be given at least 4 months to conduct such trainings. They need to do at least one training – to conduct more is highly welcome. If somebody does not conduct such a training within the given time, he can do this as well at the end of the Trainer Training. Then he receives his certificate only after he has successfully conducted such a training.

All of the content of the normal Trainer Training is used here as well - just with a very special focus on conducting trainings and learning by doing under close supervision and guidance.

The group exists of a minimum of 6 participants who pay for their training at least 50% of the normal price that they would have to pay for this qualification at the Institute that offers the Trainer Training. During their training a participant of the IN ICI WHO Trainer Training assists for feedback.

The training can be structured as well in evening classes, e.g.: 14 times 3 hour evenings NLP Training or 20 times 3 hours Coach Training or 10 times 3 hours Hypnosis Training.

They can seal their trainings with an IN ICI or WHO seal that the relevant supervising Master Trainer of the Trainer Training (who signs the certificate as well) can buy for them.

1.4 Certificate after the "IN ICI WHO Trainer Training"

Only participants who have done the 36 days NLP (entry prerequisites for the NLP track) receive after completing the 18 days "NLP Trainer, IN" the “NLP Trainer, IN” certificate.

Participants who have done the 54 days of Coaching (entry prerequisites for the Coaching track) receive after completing the 18 days "NLP Trainer, IN" training instead of the “NLP Trainer, IN” certificate the “Coach Trainer, ICI” certificate.

Participants who have done the 40 days of Hypnosis (entry prerequisites for the Hypnosis track) receive after completing the 18 days "NLP Trainer, IN" training instead of the “NLP Trainer, IN” certificate the “Hypnosis Trainer, WHO” certificate.

1.5 After the "IN ICI WHO Trainer Training"

After finishing successfully their IN ICI WHO Trainer Training they can be listed in the IN ICI or WHO as Master Trainer limited to conducting and sealing only the very first qualification level as additional Master Trainer in an experienced IN ICI WHO Institute (yearly membership fee is 100 €) or as an Institute of their own (yearly membership fee is 250 €) in cooperation with an experienced IN ICI WHO Master Trainer. The experienced IN ICI WHO Master Trainer is responsible for the required intensive guidance, supervision and mentoring.

After a minimum of 5 times (some need more) conducting successfully the first level (5 days “NLP Communication, IN” or 8 days “Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI” or 4 days "Hypnosis Technician, WHO") under intensive guidance, supervision and mentoring, they can be allowed to conduct the next level. And after a minimum of 5 times (some need more) conducting successfully this level they can be allowed to conduct the next level, until they reached the level of an experienced Institute. Always under close supervision of an experienced IN ICI WHO Master Trainer.This road is an alternative to assisting trainings.For participants of the NLP road we highly recommend to make sure that they have a Coach qualification as well, for this is required for the "NLP Master Trainer, IN" according to: 

2. Pilot Project: Assistance Alternatives with active conducting of basic trainings  

2.1 Planning and report requirements

Members of this commission who try this new form of Assistance Alternatives commit to inform the commission in the comments below about their intensive guidance, supervision and mentoring regarding their planning design, conduct period, results, best practice recommendations and the participants (link to their profile).

2.2 Admission requirements

The admission requirement is that the participant is qualified as “NLP Trainer, IN”, “Coach Trainer, ICI” or “Hypnosis Trainer, WHO”. He can be listed in the IN ICI or WHO as Master Trainer limited to conducting and sealing only the very first qualification level as additional Master Trainer in an experienced IN ICI WHO Institute (yearly membership fee is 100 €) or as an Institute of their own (yearly membership fee is 250 €) in cooperation with an experienced IN ICI WHO Master Trainer and under his intensive guidance, supervision and mentoring.

2.3 Conduct

The experienced IN ICI WHO Master Trainer is responsible for the required intensive guidance, supervision and mentoring.

After a minimum of 5 times (some need more) conducting successfully the first level (5 days “NLP Communication, IN” or 8 days “Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI” or 4 days "Hypnosis Technician, WHO") under intensive guidance, supervision and mentoring, they can be allowed to conduct the next level. And after a minimum of 5 times (some need more) conducting successfully this level they can be allowed to conduct the next level, until they reached the level of an experienced Institute. Always under close supervision of an experienced IN ICI WHO Master Trainer.

This road is an alternative to assisting trainings. But of course, assistance is always welcome.

For participants of the NLP road we highly recommend to make sure that they have (or participate during this phase in) a 12 days Coach qualification as well, for this is required for the "NLP Master Trainer, IN" according to:

3. Pilot Project: Grandparenting with active conducting of basic trainings  

3.1 General notes about Grandparenting

Grandparenting means accepting already acquired training competencies through other trainings or practical experience as comparable for requirements that are defined in our appointment regulations.

We included here in this commission Grandparenting processes that use the idea of allowing participants under intensive guidance, supervision and mentoring through an IN ICI WHO Master Trainer to conduct step by step IN, ICI or WHO qualifications.

Grandparenting requires in each single case an intensive discussion about what exactly can be accepted as comparable competency or qualification through other trainings or experience.

For IN the basic requirements are:                                                                                                      54 days NLP qualification (Practitioner, Master, Trainer)
+ 36 days of assistance in NLP trainings (Practitioner, Master)
+ 12 days Coaching training+ 30 hrs. supervision and
+ 150 hrs. NLP training experience
Details are here: IN:

For ICI the basic requirements are:                                                                                                        72 days Coaching qualification (up to 54 days of NLP training can be credited)
+ 54 days of assistance in Coaching trainings (36 days NLP can be credited)
 + 30 hrs. supervision and + 150 hrs. Coaching experience
Details are here:

For WHO the basic requirements are:                                                                                                  58 days Hypnosis qualification (Technician, Practitioner, Master, Coach, Trainer)          + 40 days of assistance in Hypnosis trainings (Technician, Practitioner, Master, Coach)
+ 30 hrs. supervision and + 150 hrs. Hypnosis training experience
Details are here: IN:

3.2 Admission and report requirements

Members of this commission who try this new form of Grandparenting commit to inform the commission in the comments below about their intensive guidance, supervision and mentoring regarding their planning design, conduct period, results, best practice recommendations and the participants (link to their profile).

They discuss intensively with the appointment commission what qualifications they recommend to accept as comparable and provide the appointment commission with the relevant documents: CV, list of qualifications from IN ICI WHO, list of comparable competency or qualification through other trainings or experience.

3.3 Conduct

The experienced IN ICI WHO Master Trainer is responsible for the required intensive guidance, supervision and mentoring.

After a minimum of 5 times (some need more) conducting successfully the first level (5 days “NLP Communication, IN” or 8 days “Fundamental Coaching Skills, ICI” or 4 days "Hypnosis Technician, WHO") under intensive guidance, supervision and mentoring, they can be allowed to conduct the next level. And after a minimum of 5 times (some need more) conducting successfully this level they can be allowed to conduct the next level, until they reached the level of an experienced Institute. Always under close supervision of an experienced IN ICI WHO Master Trainer.

This road is an alternative to assisting trainings. But of course, assistance is always welcome.

  For participants of the NLP road we highly recommend to make sure that they have (or participate during this phase in) a 12 days Coach qualification as well, for this is required for the "NLP Master Trainer, IN" according to:

Further recommendations for all 3 Pilot Projects

We recommend to use the IN ICI WHO questionnaires for feedback:

Details about actual Pilot Projects

Please log in with the link below, to see and discuss the actual pilot projects.

These 3 Pilot Projects are only possible for appointed experienced IN, ICI or WHO Master Trainers who are part of this Pilot Project Commission and therefore listed here on this website and who inform all members of this Commission before they start with any Pilot Project, during the conduct, and after the project about:

  • which Pilot Project they use: 1 Trainer Training, 2 Assistance, or 3 Grandparenting
  • how exactly they conduct the guidance, supervision and mentoring
  • how exactly they evaluate and ensure that their participants do a good job
  • what their best practice recommendations are for others
  • + for Pilot Project 2 and 3 the names of the participants with link to their profile in IN ICI or WHO
  • + for Pilot Project 3 the special individual qualification background of each participant
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